Wednesday, November 28, 2007

An Inspiration...

I just wanted to tell my cousin Jenn, her husband Eric and their little baby Drew what an inspiration they have been to me. Little Drew was born 12 days ago at only 24 weeks. He was one pound four ounces, and came out with a strong will to live. There have been some great up's and down's as expected with such an early entrance into the world, but Eric and Jenn have been so strong. It makes me realize more than ever how important family is, and to cherish each and every day we have together! They have set up a blog for little Drew that is very sweet and touching. Just wanted to share it with anyone who may know Eric and Jenn and wants to send an encouraging word!
Love you Jenn, Eric, Drew and the entire Cook Family!!!!!!!!


Miss Bear said...

Amazing Heath! I don't know them, but I hope and pray that Drew will get stronger everyday, what a wonderful/strong little family! :)

Lindsay said...

That really is amazing! It makes you grateful for healthy babies and modern medicine. By the way, you look GREAT!

Juls said...

Hey Heather, its Julia Robison. That would be so scary! Those experiences really do make you realize how much your family means to you and reminds you how grateful you are for the gospel. Congrats on your baby too, thats exciting!